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 福建师范大学 / 英汉互译

Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could ____ English.

A.practise to speak

B.practising speaking

C.practise speaking

D.to practise speaking

  • 乙型强心苷元的UV最大吸收在()中药化学B
  • What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.那时他们渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。()英汉/汉英翻译
  • 手势语是通过手和手活动传递的信息、表达意图和情感的一种无声语言。()领导科学
  • ____是指人们仅仅通过观察别人(榜样)的行为就能学会某种行为,又称替代学习、模仿学习。人格心理学
  • Without any hesitation, she took off her shoes, () up her skirt and splashed across the stream.高级英语(二)
  • 独立并存的主权国家以及主要由主权国家组成的国际社会,是国际法产生和发展的社会基础。()国际法