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 福建师范大学 / 语言与文化

On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying You’re going to see the film, aren’t you? ()



  • 建筑生产中最重要的劳动资料是()建筑经济学
  • 在计算实砌墙身时,应扣除单个面积在()以上的孔洞所占的体积土木工程预算(本科)
  • 新药的监测期不得超过()药事管理学(本科)
  • Given the choice between work and play, Tom would surely prefer the _ _ _ _ .英语3
  • 变质作用过程中压力增大有利于分子体积小、比重大的矿物生成。()岩石学
  • No one had told Smith about _ _ _ a lecture the following day.大学英语(三)