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 大连理工大学 / 专业英语(计算机英语)

The transistor computer did not last as long as the vacuum tube computer lasted, but it was less important in the advancement of computer technology.()



  • 瓦格纳法则可以表述为:随着GDP的提高,财政支出占GDP的比重也相应随之提高。()公共财政与预算
  • 动态网页技术不会对搜索引擎优化产生什么影响。()电子商务理论与实践
  • 在管理的职能中,只有计划职能和控制职能具有明显的先后顺序。()管理理论与方法
  • 胃经的络穴是:()针灸学
  • 简述不安抗辩权的概念、成立要件、行使以及效力。民法学
  • A: Did you stay in a hotel during your visit to Shanghai? B: No. We stayed with one of my best friends. There’re enough rooms in his house to put us _ _ _ .高级英语阅读(一)