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 东北师范大学 / 英语语言学

Code-mixing refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other in different situations or when talking about different topics.()



  • 下列票据法律关系中,只有出票人和受款人的是()。国际商法
  • 如果需要在钣金零件上添加折弯,首先要在创建折弯的面上绘制一条草图线来定义折弯。该折弯类型被称为()?机械CAD-Solidworks实用技术
  • 苯巴比妥含量测定所使用的滴定液是()药物分析
  • 产品标准的内容主要包括哪些?食品标准与法规(本科)
  • I’m examining the article he has just finished _ _ _ _ _ the possible mistakes in it.英语语法
  • I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of () over city life.大学英语(三)