1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 高电压技术
 高等继续教育 / 高电压技术

题型描述: 简答题


  • 合并局部ER图的工作是在物理结构设计阶段完成的错误正确数据库应用技术
  • 贺电是向有关集体或个人表示安慰和问候的电报和信件。 写作
  • 8[多选题] 小学高年级学生的主要心理矛盾有 A.独立性与幼稚性的矛盾 B.反抗性与依赖性并存 C.勤奋进取与自贬自卑的矛盾 D.勇敢与怯懦并存幼儿心理健康与咨询
  • 题干二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The computer plays an important part in our everyday life. It is one of the great inventions in the world in the 回答A. twentyB. twentiesC. twentieth正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 century. It works for us not only at home, in the offices, in big shops, 回答A. AlsoB. But alsoC. Too正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 at schools. Today it is used in many ways. It really brings the world large wealth (财富) and happiness. The first computer in the world was called Enid. It was built in America in 1946. It was large and heavy. 回答A. ForB. UntilC. Since正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 it was born, it has been developing very fast. Until now it has gone through four periods and changed a lot. There’re many kinds of computers. Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster. It becomes more and more helpful. The computer can do most of the things 回答A. forB. toC. at正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 the people. It can help us to know about the real world more quickly, to learn 回答A. whatB. thatC. which正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 we want to learn and to think for ourselves. As a student in the twenty-first century, you must work hard at it.理工英语2
  • . NET只能使用C#语言进行开发。错误正确ASP.NET动态网站开发
  • 5[单选题] 水准测量时,尺垫应放置在()。 A.水准点 B.转点 C.土质松软的水准点上 D.需要立尺的所有点河南理工大学