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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 单选题
The people in this city have planted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trees along both sides of the streets.
A. a lot of
B. a great deal of
C. a large amount of
D. much
  • 记账以后,如发现记账凭证和账簿记录的金额有错误(所记金额小于应记的正确金额),而应借、应贷的会计科目没有错误,应采用(  )进行错账更正。划线更正法红字更正法补充登记法B或C都行会计操作实务
  • 5[单选题] <span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">Ever since the invention of television there hasn't been anything as begging to become a ________ as the Internet.</span> A.means B.medium C.material D.media大学英语(III)
  • 14、 新中国统一的中小学体育教学大纲颁发于(    )年。 A.1955 B.1956 C.1957 D.1958体育Ⅲ
  • 功率放大器的主要任务是( ) A.LC B.RC C.石英晶体 D.以上都不是 E.模拟电子技术基础
  • 16[多选题] 可引起循环水系统的金属构件和设备地下管道腐蚀的微生物有。() A.硫酸盐还原菌 B.铁细菌 C.霉菌 D.硫细菌水工艺设备基础
  • [填空题] Fortuitous formerly denoted 'happening by chance', 'accidental' and later took on the meaning 'fortunate' probably by _________ because the two words look similar.英语词汇学