1.  >>  成人高等教育 / 煤矿开采学
 成人高等教育 / 煤矿开采学

27、为了防止输送机下滑,煤层倾角大于(   )时,安装防滑千斤顶。

  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • 2、The last patient left his office. Mr. South had a look at the _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ on the wall.It was a quarter to six. It meant that he had to stay there for fifteen minutes. A friend of his asked him to dinner that evening. Of course he should _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ some flowers for her. He brought out the purse and counted the money in it. He had sixty dollars and it was enough to do that. And then he remembered he bought a newspaper on his way to the hospital after lunch. He was too busy to read it. Now he brought it out, but then came in a man _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ forty. He looked at him carefully. The man looked strange. Mr. South didn't know what he came for. "What's wrong with you?" asked Mr. South. "Nothing,Mr. South," said the man, "But…" The man began to smile and said, "Don't you _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ me, Mr. South? You cured (治愈) my rheumatism(风湿病) three years ago." "Mr. Bell?" "Yes. Did you _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ me not to get myself wet?" "Yes, I did," answered the doctor. "Well. I come here to ask you if you think it's OK for me to take a bath now?"统考英语完型填空
  • The girl chose some very pretty[ _ ]paper for the present. A.covering B.wrapping C.packing D.collecting E.大学英语(3)
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ from space, our earth, with water covering over 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet:” A、SeeingB、Having seenC、To seeD、Seen大学英语(1)
  • 11. 建立进路城市轨道交通信号系统
  • [多选题] The three pillars of the NEW Capital Accord include. A.minimum capital requirements B.the supervisory review proess C.market discipline D.credit rating成人英语2
  • 清王朝为什么要实行闭关锁国的对外政策中国近现代史纲要