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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 单选题

More and more young people enjoy ______ to pop music.

  • 2、Do you know something about tree rings(年轮)? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds of years ago? A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunshine and rainfall(雨量). And little sunshine or rainfall will limit(限制)the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings. For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we're sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year. If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad. Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man. Many centuries ago there live a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only sand there - no trees and no people. What happened? A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there. He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees to make fires and buildings. As all the trees had gone, the people there had to move.统考英语阅读理解
  • 如果力集中作用于一点,这种力称为______;作用范围不能忽略的力,称为______。(A) 对 (B) 错工程力学
  • 1952年底,国民经济得到全面恢复和发展正确错误中国近现代史纲要
  • 41、PowerPoint中,若需要设置幻灯片换片的效果为“棋盘”,需要______。 A.设置幻灯片指定的“切换” B.设置幻灯片的放映时间间隔 C.设置幻灯片的动画效果 D.设置幻灯片的展台播放计算机统考
  • 土方的施工标高为( )。(A)填方为+(B)挖方为—(C)原地形标高—设计标高(D)设计标高—原地形标高[参考答案:C]  分值:5得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月4日 0点38分 园林工程
  • 市场均衡的结果有哪些?A、都不是B、循环C、收敛D、发散电力市场