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 国家开放大学 / 学前儿童科学教育

2012年,教育部颁布《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》,将“科学”列为幼儿园教育内容的五大领域之一,幼儿园科学教育进入“科学领域”课程阶段。(          )

  • 杂质半导体分为 N 型和 P 型, 自由电子是( )型半导体的多子, 空穴是( )型半导体的多子 。(A) N, P (B) N, N (C) P,  P (D) P, N模拟电子技术
  • 23、A dolphin(海豚)is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. Recently another amazing(令人惊奇的) discovery made by the British marine(海洋的)biologist (生物学家) Alexis shows that dolphins, to our surprise, keep in touch with each other by calling each other's names among themselves something like human beings. Alexis recorded over 1700 different kinds of dolphins' calls and made a careful analysis of them. The analysis shows each dolphin has his own sound signal referring specially to himself and used all the time when he gets in touch with others. What's more, one dolphin is even able to imitate another's cry in more or less the same way as sometimes human beings do while talking with birds, which is believed to be an important step towards language from animals' calls.统考英语阅读理解
  • 11、He succeeded _ _ _ _ _ _ out a lot of things entirely new in the world. A.in working B.to work C.working D.at working统考英语词汇与语法
  • 全闭环系统的优点是( ) 机电一体化概论
  • 31、中国下一代互联示范工程缩写为______。 A.CNGI B.CNTC C.SINA D.SOHU计算机统考
  • 15.建筑结构的可靠性综合鉴定,一般按照结构体系失效的逻辑关系,划分为相对简单的三个层次,即构件、子单元和鉴定单元三个层次。 对 错建筑结构试验