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 成人高等教育 / Internet与Intranet应用

在网络进行数据传输期间,发送点与接受点之间构成一条实际连接的专用物理线路的交换技术是( )。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 10、进行国民经济评价所使用的数据都是以(        )为基础的各种实际和预测数据。项目可行性研究与评估
  • IEEE 802.11适用于无线局域网技术。( )网络实用技术基础
  • 1[阅读题] Most people think of a camel as an obedient beast of burden, because it is best known for its ability to carry heavy loads across vast stretches of desert without requiring water. In reality, the camel is considerably more than just the Arabian equivalent of the mule. It also possesses a great amount of intelligence and sensitivity. The Arabs assert that camels are so acutely aware of injustice and ill treatment that a camel owner who punishes one of the beasts too harshly finds it difficult to escape the camel’s vengeance. Apparently, the animal will remember an injury and wait for an opportunity to get revenge. In order to protect themselves from the vengeful beasts, Arabian camel drivers have learned to trick their camels into believing they have achieved revenge. When an Arab realizes that he has exited a camel’s rage, he places his own garments on the ground in the animal’s path. He arranges the clothing so that it appears to cover a man’s body. When the camel recognizes its master’s clothing on the ground, it seizes the pile with its teeth, shakes the garments violently and tramples on them in a rage. Eventually, after its anger has died away, the camel departs, assuming its revenge is complete. Only then does the owner of the garments come out of hiding, safe for the time being, thanks to this clever ruse.1. Which of the following is mentioned in this passage? A. The camel never drinks water.           B. The camel is always violent. C. The camel is very sensitive.             D. The camel is rarely used anymore.2. It is implied in the passage that ________. A.      the mule is a stupid and insensitive animal B.      the mule is as intelligent as the camel C.      the mule is an animal widely used in the desert D.     the mule is a vengeful animal 3. From this passage we can conclude that ________. A.      camels are generally vicious towards their owners B.      camels usually treat their owners well C.      camels don’t see very well D.     camels try to punish people who abuse them 4. The writer makes the camel’s vengeful behaviour clearer to the reader by presenting ______. A. a well-planned argument                     B. a large variety of examples    C. some eyewitness accounts                    D. a typical incident 5. The main idea of the passage is _____________. A.      camels can be as intelligent as their drivers B.      camels are sensitive to injustice and will seek revenge on those who harm them C.      camel drivers are often the targets of camels’ revenge D.  camels are sensitive creatures that are aware of injustice大学英语(二)
  • 描述工作任务特性的5个维度。职位分析与评估
  • 协同计划、预测与补货供应链管理I
  • 49[填空题] 常用于实现轴向定位的方法有:                                 、套筒,轴端挡圈等 。机械设计基础