1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 英语I(2)
 国家开放大学 / 英语I(2)

Alex liked fishing because he enjoyed swimming in the river.

  • 名词解释 柔性制造模块(FMM)先进制造技术
  • 16、Almost everyone knows the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the names of men. Mrs is used for married women and Miss is for unmarried woman. But _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ is Ms? For some time, businessmen in the United States have used Ms before a woman's name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not. Today, however, many women like Ms better than Mrs or Miss. The word “ _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ ” does not tell us whether or not a man is married. So the women want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not. There are some problems with Ms. Not all the women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ difficult to read. Ms _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ [miz]. Young women like it better than older women _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ . It is difficult to know whether most American women will use Ms in the future. What do you think of it?统考英语完型填空
  • 【判断题】公务员制度属于政治制度的范畴。 公务员制度讲座
  • When he wrote to his father that he wanted to _ _ _ _ his education and get married, his father cut off his allowance. (A) give up (B) give out (C) give in (D) give away大学英语(四)
  • (A)(B)(C)(D)工程制图
  • “我们就这样以最野蛮的方式摧毁了世界上最宝贵的财富。”这句话反映的事件是( )。(A) 南京大屠杀 (B) 火烧圆明园 (C) 旅顺大屠杀惨案 (D) 江东六十四屯惨案中国近现代史纲要