1.  >>  成人高等教育 / 计算机应用技术D
 成人高等教育 / 计算机应用技术D


  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 28. _ _ _ _ by this grandparents, Jimmy wasn’t used to living with his parents. A、A. Too bring upB、B. To be brought upC、C. Brought upD、D. Being brought up学位英语(1)
  • (单选题) Why aren’t there any _ _ _ _ on the moon?( ) A、woman astronautB、woman astronautsC、women astronautD、women astronauts大学英语(一)
  • 属于听觉感受器的是: 系统解剖学
  • The time of day when you feel most [ _ ] is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. A.energetic B.vigorous C.enthusiastic D.dynamic E.英语(二)
  • 设p: 天下大雨, q: 他乘班车上班,则“只有天下大雨, 他才乘班车上班”可命题符号化为: 离散数学(上)
  • 45、One day a bookseller(书商)let a big box of books fall on his foot. "Go to see the doctor," said his wife. "No, "he said. "I'll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I'll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I'll have to pay him." On the next day the doctor came into the shop for some books. When the bookseller was getting them ready, he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it. "You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put something on it," said the doctor. He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. "Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night," he said. "Thank you," said the bookseller. "And now, sir, here are your books." "How much?" said the doctor. "Two pounds." "Good," said the doctor. "I shall not have to pay you anything." "Why?" asked the bookseller. "I told you about your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I want two pounds. And I came here, didn't I?"统考英语阅读理解