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 高等继续教育 / 人力资源管理

一般来说,影响绩效考核方法选择的因素主要包括( )

  • 2[单选题] “其守城之具有火炮名“震天雷”者,铁罐盛药,以火点之,炮起火发,其声如雷,闻百里外,所爇围半亩之上,火点著甲铁皆透”。以下关于这则材料的表述不正确的是 A.材料中内容说明了火药的巨大威力 B. 此种情景应当出现在唐末以后 C.这项发明极大推动了中国的社会进步 D. 火药起源于道士的炼丹活动河南理工大学
  • 13[单选题] 以下正确的描述是_____ A.continue语句的作用是结束整个循环的执行 B.只能在循环体内和switch语句内使用break语句 C.在循环体内使用break语句或continue语句的作用相同 D.从多层循环嵌套中退出时,只能使用goto语句计算机基础与程序设计
  • 拜占廷的教会学校有()。外国教育史
  • 诊断风湿热的主要条件有儿科护理学
  • 题干阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(每题10分)。 Traveller’s Check Many of the banks and travel services in western provide a convenience for travellers by issuing traveller's checks. Travellers, when buying the checks, have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks. During the trip, travellers can cash the checks from the agencies of the bank or the travel service whenever they need after their counter-signatures are recognized. A lot of travellers like to buy these checks as they don't have to take along much cash and worry about counterfeit signatures. The agencies will get back the money they have paid by sending the checks to the issuing offices. Traveller's checks are generally of small face value, such as ten or twenty dollars, or five or ten pounds, for miscellaneous payments. There is no time limit for their circulation period. It is very profitable for the issuing offices to finance the funds they collect by issuing traveller's checks because they not only receive a service charge from the check buyers, but they also don't need to pay any interest no matter how long the checks remain in circulation before clearing. This is why banks and travel services are willing to provide this convenience.   1. It is convenient for the travellers to travel around the world as many banks and travel services issue travellers' checks. 回答TF未回答正确答案是:T获得2.00分中的0.00分 2. There are no signatures of travellers who have bought the checks.回答TF未回答正确答案是:F获得2.00分中的0.00分 3. Quite a few travellers like to buy the checks. 回答TF未回答正确答案是:T获得2.00分中的0.00分 4. Travellers do not worry about the circulation period of the checks as there is no time limit for it.回答TF未回答正确答案是:T获得2.00分中的0.00分 5. Banks and travel services are reluctant to provide travellers'checks.回答TF未回答正确答案是:F获得2.00分中的0.00分反馈1. 解析:这是一道细节题。此题信息对应文章第一段第一句,“西方国家的很多银行和旅行社发行旅行支票,为旅行者提供便利”,所以选T。 2. 解析:这是一道细节题。此题信息对应文章第一段第二句,即“购买支票时,旅行者必须当着银行职员或业务员的面在支票上签字”,而题目为“旅行者购买的支票上没有签名”,信息不准确,所以选F。 3. 解析:这是一道细节题。此题信息对应文章第一段第四句,即“很多旅行者喜欢购买旅行支票,因为他们无须随身携带大量现金,也不必担心伪造的签名”,quite a few = a lot of, 所以选T。 4. 解析:这是一道推断题。此题信息对应文章第二段第二句,即“旅行支票的流通没有期限”,故“旅行者不必担心旅行支票的流通期限”,所以选T。 5. 解析:这是一道细节题。此题的信息对应第二段最后一句,即“这是银行和旅行社愿意提供此类便利的原因所在”,reluctant是willing的反义词,所以选F。商务英语4
  •   _ _ _ _ _ _ you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.  A、 For B、 Since C、 Before D、 While大学英语(本二)