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 国家开放大学 / 商务英语4

— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , but I still have the feeling that it's not safe enough.
—I couldn't agree more. That's why I only do street shopping.

A. Paying online is much unsafe than before
B. Paying online is less safer than before
C. Paying online is much safer than before
  • 1. I _ _ _ _ _ (listen) to the radio when you rang the bell the first time, and that’s why I did not hear you.2. If you _ _ _ _ _ not (tell) Jackie what I said, everything would have been all right.3. He will be giving lectures on the tour. By the end of the tour he _ _ _ _ _ _ (give) exactly the same lecture 50 times.4. It is necessary that every member _ _ _ _ (inform) himself of these rules.5. It is high time you _ _ _ (stop) doing this translation.6. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so upset that I don’t think he really _ _ _ _ _ (know) what he was saying.7. Please remember _ _ _ _ _ _ (post) the letter for me.8. They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (catch) in a snowstorm on their way home last month.9. It took me two hours _ _ _ _ _ (get) my 3-year-old daughter to sleep10. My butterfly garden has a sign which _ _ _ (say) “Butterflies Welcome”.大学英语语法
  • 公民,法人或其他组织单独就损害偿向行政机关提出请求,( ) 行政法与行政诉讼法
  • 数据透视表不可以使用自动套用格式错误正确计算机实用软件
  • 3.普通处方的印刷用纸是( )临床药物治疗学
  • 通过坚持物理与技术、社会联系的教学实践可以培养学生正确的社会责任感、正确的情感、态度、价值观。错误正确中学物理教学论
  • 5、打击乐器演奏活动中,适用于主要声部创编导入的作品特点是() A. 原配器创作比较复杂、精美完善 B. 原设计比较单纯,可以让儿童有更多创造表达机会 C. 本身含有主次两个部分,其主要部分本身比较复杂、精美、完善 D. 本身含有主次两个部分,其主要部分比较单纯学前儿童音乐教育