1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 综合英语(1)
 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(1)

You do look awfully _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Have we met somewhere?

  • 5、Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of _ _ 21 _ _ from chicken feathers and fixed them to his shoulders. Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far. _ _ 22 _ _ , he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying took place in France in 1783. The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. If they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and _ _ 23 _ _ . They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It fell to earth about three kilometers _ _ 24 _ _ . At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers. We do not know what the passengers felt about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we _ _ 25 _ _ know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safely.统考英语完型填空
  • 生长激素对机体代谢的基本调节作用是 A、 促进糖利用 B、 减少蛋白质合成 C、 减少脂肪的动员 D、 促进脂肪利用 E、 负氮平衡生理学
  • (A)对(B)错[参考答案:A]  分值:4得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年5月28日 21点33分 高等数学
  • 经济数学基础
  • NK细胞杀伤机制不包括 A、 A.释放穿孔素 B、 B.诱导靶细胞调亡 C、 C.释放颗粒酶 D、 D.ADCC作用 E、 E.活化补体形成攻膜复合物杀伤靶细胞免疫学基础
  • 关于神经元结构的描述,哪一项错误( )。 组织学与胚胎学