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 成人高等教育 / 语文教学论1

  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 45、在Word 2010中,对于一段两端对齐的文字,只选定其中的几个字符,用鼠标单击“居中”按钮,则______。 A.整个段落均变成居中格式 B.只有被选定的文字变成居中格式 C.整个文档变成居中格式 D.格式不变,操作无效计算机统考
  • 46、在Windows文件夹窗口中共有45个文件,其中有30个被选定,执行“编辑”菜单中“反向选择”命令后,被选定的文件个数是______。 A.35 B.30 C.15 D.0计算机统考
  • 八届六中全会《决议》批评了A、反“右”的思想B、取消按劳分配的思想C、否定商品生产的思想D、混淆集体所有制同全民所有制界限的思想中国近现代史纲要
  • 杆件的基本变形中,不包括()。 材料力学2
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one sense there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. _ _ _ _ two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear differences _ _ _ _ them, and the pronunciation of English shifts a great deal in different geographical _ _ _ _ . How do we decide what sort of English to use as a model? This is not a question that can be _ _ _ _ in the same way for all foreign learners of English. _ _ _ _ you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa, where there is a long _ _ _ _ of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should tend to acquire a good _ _ _ _ of the pronunciation of this area. On the other hand, if you live in a country _ _ _ _ there is no traditional use of English, you must take as your model some form of native English pronunciation. It does not _ _ _ _ very much which form you choose. The most effective way is to take as your model the sort of English you can _ _ _ _ most often.1、 A. No B. None C. Nor D. Not 2、 A. between B. of C. among D. from 3、 A. areas B. parts C. countries D. spaces 4、 A. satisfied B. responded C. answered D. given 5、 A. If B. Whether C. Because D. When 6、 A. use B. habit C. tradition D. custom 7、 A. practice B. fashion C. method D. variety 8、 A. that B. what C. where D. which 9、 A. trouble B. affect C. care D. matter 10、 A. hear B. find C. notice D. listen统考英语B
  • 任何一组绕空间任意轴线的复合转动总可以等效为绕某一过原点的轴线的转动。正确错误工业机器人技术