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24、How much do you know about manners? Different countries have different manners. In some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ before you go into a house. But in European countries, even if they sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. If you are a _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ in a Chinese house, when you have a meal, you usually do not finish the food. You often leave a little to show that you have had enough. But in England, a visitor always finishes food to show that he has _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ it. We must know the customs of other _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ , so that they will not think _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ bad-mannered. People all over the world agree that a well-mannered person should be kind and helpful to others. If you remember this, at least you will not go very far wrong. Everybody likes a person with good manners, but no one likes a person with bad manners. Keep your manners.
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