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 高等继续教育 / 公司财务

题型描述: 计算题

某企业正处于快速成长期,其成长前3年股利增长率为15%,从第4年开始以后股利增长率转入正常,每年为9%,该公司最近上年的股利为每股0.6元,投资者期望的报酬率为12%。目前股票市价为20元。(P/F 12% 1—4:0.8929,0.7972,0.7118,0.6355)要求:计算出股票价值,并做出决策。

  • 网络型微机保护装置与结构保护功能和逻辑有关的标准模块插件仅有三种,以下不是标准模块插件的是( )。A、CPU插件B、开入(DI)插件 C、开出(DO)插件 D、DSP电力系统继电保护
  • 14、I have been in London for two weeks. I don't speak English well at all. I have great difficulty in understanding people. In fact I don't catch a thing they say. I find their pronunciation is _ _ 21 _ _ strange for me to understand, and they speak _ _ 22 _ _ that I can't keep up with them. When I am on a bus, I ask the conductor something. He answers, but I don't understand. So he says it slowly in a high _ _ 23 _ _ , I still don't understand it. Then he gets angry and goes away. But I haven't lost heart. I still enjoy _ _ 24 _ _ English. I must keep on working hard _ _ 25 _ _ it. I believe I'll speak English well soon.统考英语完型填空
  • 下列属于列宁文艺思想的有? A、 为千千万万劳动人民服务 B、 文学创作事业应是革命机器的“齿轮和螺丝钉” C、 两种民族文化 D、 政治标准第一,艺术标准第二文学概论
  • 凡是设置在商业街、购物中心及商店内及周围的广告叫做( )。(A) 户外广告 (B) 印刷品广告 (C) 销售现场广告(POP) (D) 交通工具广告广告学
  • 中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势是( )。 毛中特C
  • 20世纪50年代中期,社会主义改造基本完成,标志着(    ) 中国特色社会主义理论