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 高等继续教育 / 社区护理

题型描述: 简答题
  • 3、21.The doctors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the medicines to the people in the flood area. A. distributed B.packed C.prayed D.undertook 22.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , not foreign. A. domestic B.strain C.purchase D.murder 23.He tried to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ relations with his former wife but he failed. A. measure B.maintain C.shelter D.reply 24.He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job. A. resolved B.resorted C.requested D.reserved 25.The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy. A. research B.rescue C.vessel D.vast 26.Many kinds of animals are believed to have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the earth A. withdrawn B.vanished C.found D.hung 27.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their plans for the new bicycle. A. counting B.stripping C.elaborating D.casting 28.Pine trees are usually believed to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cold weather. A. guard B.accomplish C.roar D.endure 29.Free medical service is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to nearly all the college students in China. A. favorite B.available C.convenient D.average 30.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. exhausted B.mounted C.wrapped D.restored英语(二)
  • 预作用系统的配水管道内平时(),发生火灾时,由比闭式喷头更灵敏的火灾报警系统联动雨淋阀和供水泵,在()完成管道充水过程,转换为湿式系统建筑给水排水
  • 抽样单位与总体单位在形式上是一致的。市场调研与预测
  • 甲上市公司股东大会于2007年1月4日作出决议,决定建造厂房。为此,甲公司于3月5日向银行专门借款5000万元,年利率为6%,款项于当日划入甲公司银行存款账户。3月15日,厂房正式动工兴建。3月16日,甲公司购入建造厂房用水泥和钢材一批,价款500万元,当日用银行存款支付。3月31日,计提当月专门借款利息。甲公司在3月份没有发生其他与厂房购建有关的支出,则甲公司专门借款利息应开始资本化的时间为( )。高级财务会计
  • 名词解释 高脂血症临床药物治疗学
  • 甲在公司加班,因为天冷,将电烤炉放在自己办公桌下,办公桌旁有三个大箱子,内有三万多张票证。甲后来想小睡一会,于是去了别的房间,其间发生火灾,箱子里的票证全被烧毁,并开始蔓延至办公桌,甲发觉起火时,当时如果通知楼下的值班人员,应该可以扑灭大火,但甲害怕自己的过错被发现,于是没有通知任何人就逃离现场,后整个公司都被烧毁,对于甲的行为,下列哪些描述是正确的: 生活中的法律