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 国家开放大学 / 社会保障学

【单项选择题】1884年(  )颁布了世界上第一部工伤保险法。




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  • 49、In November 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt and some of his friends went on a hunting trip to Mississippi. After hours of searching, Roosevelt and his group had not come across any wild animals. Finally, the group did track down and surrounded a helpless bear. One of the guides asked the president to shoot the bear so he could win a hunting trophy (奖励). The president raised his riffle first and then put down his gun, letting the poor bear go. News reporters throughout the country reported the story, spreading Roosevelt's kind act. Not long after this report, a famous cartoonist named Clifford Benyman drew a cartoon based on Roosevelt's rescue of the bear. When a store owner in Brooklyn saw the cartoon, he decided to make toy bears to sell in his shop. He asked the president Roosevelt for permission to use the name. "Teddy's Bear" for his toys, as a reminder of the bear Roosevelt had set free. Nowadays, everyone knows these toys as Teddy Bears, but few people know that they were named after President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.统考英语阅读理解