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 国家开放大学 / 学前儿童艺术教育(美术)

探索与发现环节在幼儿园手工活动中主要存在以下几个问题:第一,材料种类较少且不适宜幼儿使用,幼儿对手工材料的认识不足;第二(     );第三,刻板加入本环节,幼儿无法自主使用材料。  




  • 根据工程承包方式的不同,工程结算的方法有______及平方米造价包干结算。 a.投标合同价加签证结算b.施工图预算加签证结算c.竣工后一次结算d.施工图预算加系数包干结算安装工程估价
  • 高等数学
  • 具有如下化学结构的药物的名称为A、羟基喜树碱B、甲氨喋呤C、米托蒽醌D、长春瑞滨药物化学
  • 37、Winston Churchill was one of the great men of his age. To show their respect for him, the British lawmakers asked a fine artist, Graham Sutherland, to paint Winston Churchill's picture. When it was completed, it was presented to him, at a grand affair in the Westminster Hall, at the House of Commons (下议院). It was reported in the newspapers to show that Churchill accepted the gift. He described the painting as "a remarkable example of modern art", which drew loud laughter. In fact he was unhappy with the painting. Sutherland later reported that he asked whether it was to be painted in with a "happy" or "fierce" attitude. "Fierce," replied Churchill. At the time, Churchill was coming to the end of his political life and was unhappy that people wanted him to end his career. Some twenty years later it was revealed that Lady Churchill hated the painting so much that she had it destroyed. "It was preying on (折磨) his mind," she was reported as saying. A leading art critic was asked what he thought about the matter. He said he could understand Lady Churchill and had pity on her. Graham Sutherland is a very honest artist, who could only paint what he saw. At the time it was painted, Churchill was an old man, worried by the thought that he would have to end his political career soon. But Lady Churchill shouldn't have had the painting destroyed. It could have been stored away until after their deaths.统考英语阅读理解
  • 13、When someone asks me what business I am in. My face feels hot. I envy (嫉妒) people who can say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these jobs speak for themselves. I really do make a living by _ _ 21 _ _ , and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like a schoolboy. It is a skill that I have learned, like the skill of mending shoes. Whenever and however laughter is needed - I am asked to do _ _ 22 _ _ . I laugh like a bus driver or a shopkeeper. I laugh sadly, kindly and happily. I need _ _ 23 _ _ point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evenings in nightclubs. My job is to laugh during the weaker part of the show. My loud, hearty laugher must be timed carefully. It must not come too soon, _ _ 24 _ _ neither must it be too late. I go through life quietly. I can copy the laughter of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But I'm not sure that I have ever heard the sound of _ _ 25 _ _ own laugh.统考英语完型填空
  • 以下关于保管合同和仓储合同区别的表述中正确的是( ) 合同法原理与实务