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 高等继续教育 / 网络技术基础


  • 25[单选题] 发现微型计算机染有病毒后,较为彻底的清除方法是______。 A.用查毒软件处理 B.删除磁盘文件 C.用杀毒软件处理 D.重新格式化磁盘河南理工大学
  • 10[名词解释题] 动机水平 心理健康与咨询
  • 电子商务是商务主体在法律允许的范围内利用()和其他客体要素所进行的商务活动总称。电子商务
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解 We often hear that computers are cold or human, but in fact many people are more comfortable with a computer than with another person. Computers are patient and do not judge the people who use them. They are fast and reliable. Many students who would be embarrassed to show a teacher that they do not understand something are happy to ask a computer questions. Some patients would rather explain their health problems to a computer than to a doctor. There is even a computer program which deals with psychological problems. The program has become popular because many people are uncomfortable discussing such problems with another person. The professor who wrote the program is upset that people are using this program instead of going to see a doctor. His intention in writing the program was to demonstrate that computers could be programmed to have “intelligent” conversations with humans, not to replace trained doctors.英语阅读I
  • 2[单选题] Which of the following works are not written by Oliver Goldsmith?____. A.The Traveller B.The Deserted Village C.The Vicar of Wakefield D.The School for Scandal英国文学作品选读
  • 2[单选题] 考察企业长期偿债能力的指标是() A.流动比率 B.酸性比率 C.现金比率 D.资产负债率商业银行经营与管理