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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 近代中国第一个领导资产阶级革命的全国性政党是( )。(A) 兴中会 (B) 光复会 (C) 科学补习所 (D) 中国同盟会中国近现代史纲要
  • 12、Many people buy suitcases to carry their luggage when they go abroad on holiday and never take the trouble to find out whether they will be _ _ 21 _ _ to survive the journey. Whatever case you buy - and obviously the more you pay for it, the better it is likely to be - you should be careful _ _ 22 _ _ too much into it. A lot of passengers _ _ 23 _ _ and then the locks break. Some people think manufacturers should say how much the case can carry. But the manufacturers say it depends _ _ 24 _ _ the quality of the case. A cheap case, _ _ 25 _ _ has been badly made, will obviously not last as long as an expensive one.统考英语完型填空
  • 不属于计算机控制系统冗余性能试验项目的是 ( )。A、现场控制站主控制器及功能模件冗余切换试验。B、通讯网络冗余切换试验C、系统(或机柜)供电冗余切换试验。D、变送器冗余切换试验。计算机控制系统
  • 子宫内膜处于分泌期时,卵巢处于( )。 组织学与胚胎学
  • 张某是某企业的销售人员,随身携带盖有该企业公章的空白合同书,便于对外签约。后张某因收取回扣被企业除名,但空白合同书未被该企业收回。张某以此合同书与他人签订购销协议,该购销协议的性质是成立并生效。(A) 对 (B) 错经济法
  • 19、影响信息安全的因素不包括_______。 A.操作系统有漏洞 B.内存和硬盘的容量不够 C.数据库管理系统的安全级别高 D.通讯协议有漏洞计算机统考