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 高等继续教育 / 中国近现代史纲要

题型描述: 单选题


  • 泰纳说:“要了解一件艺术品,一个艺术家,一群艺术家,必须的设想他们所属的时代的精神和风俗概况。” 文论专题
  • 直角机器人具有几个自由度?A.2B.1C.4D.3工业机器人技术
  • 爱国统一战线的范围包括( )(A) 全体社会主义的劳动者和社会主义事业的建设者 (B) 全体社会主义的劳动者,拥护社会主义的爱国者和拥护祖国统一的爱国者 (C) 全体社会主义的劳动者、社会主义事业的建设者、拥护祖国统一的爱国者 (D) 全体社会主义的劳动者、社会主义事业的建设者、拥护社会主义的爱国者和拥护祖国统一的爱国者思想道德修养与法律基础
  • 为了便于看图,应在向视图的上方用大写拉丁字母标出向视图的名称,并在相应的视图附近用箭头指明投影方向,注上( )的字母。 (A)不同(B)小写(C)相同(D)大写[参考答案:C]  分值:10得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年9月18日 14点40分 园林制图
  • 2.年度终了,如果银行全年亏损,结转本年利润时,应记入( )科目。 A.本年利润的借方 B.利润分配的借方 C.利润分配的贷方 D.营业收入的贷方A、选项BB、选项EC、选项DD、选项AE、选项CF、选项F银行会计学
  • 20、Two years ago, my husband left a bike for me. If you live in a town, it is often faster than a car and don't have to worry about parking(停车). You can _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ it anywhere. Because it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front, I can take my small daughter when it is cold and it is snowing hard. It also can be dangerous. You must be _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ on a bike. Accidents are not the only problem. One day I went _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ and when I came back, I couldn't find my front wheel. It was a long walk to the bike shop! Now I have three strong locks. Sometimes my husband uses my bike for short trips. He is not good at _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ bikes, but he says it is better than waiting for a bus. He still likes his car for longer trips, but I think that all this sitting down is making him fat. _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ my bike I got a lot of exercise and fresh air, and makes me feel much healthy.统考英语完型填空