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 成人高等教育 / 形势与政策

对每一个中国人来说,( )是本分,也是职责,是心之所系、情之所归。对新时代中国青年来说,热爱祖国是立身之本、成才之基。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 高等数学2
  • 实变函数
  • 肌肉的初长度取决于 A、 被动张力 B、 前负荷 C、 后负荷 D、 前负荷和后负荷之和 E、 前负荷和后负荷之差生理学
  • 影响注意的刺激物因素是大小与强度、色彩与运动、位置与隔离、()、()。A、与消费者态度的一致性B、格式与信息量C、展露方式D、周围情境E、对比和刺激物的新颖性消费者行为学
  • 设 p: 2+3=5. q: 大熊猫产在中国. r: 复旦大学在广州. 则复合命题公式“(p«q)®r”的真值为真。 A、正确 B、错误离散数学(上)
  • 4、The dark smoke that comes out of stacks (大烟囱) or from a burning dump (垃圾) contains tiny bits of solid or liquid matter. The smoke also contains many gases, most of which cannot be seen. Altogether, they make up the serious problems of air pollution. In so many places it keeps us from seeing the sun, irritate (刺痛) our eyes, causes us to cough and makes us ill. Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had "black snow" from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is a global problem. It can kill babies, older people and those who have respiratory (呼吸) disease. In 1952, four thousands people die in one week as a result of a serious air pollution breakout in London. In 1948 in a small town of Pennsylvania, 20 people died in a four - day period of air pollution. As often found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of lung disease, such as bronchitis and asthma. Of course, smoking and other factors help to cause these illnesses, too, but these causes have increased greatly during recent years as air pollution has become worse.统考英语阅读理解