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 高等继续教育 / 工程项目管理(土木本)


  • 3[翻译题]   It was 6:45. The train I was traveling on was half an hour late. And there were still two stops before me. I had planned to arrive in London at 7:00 and catch the 7:25 coach(长途汽车)to Paris. Hopelessly, I turned to a kind-looking passenger for a suggestion. "Why not get off at the next stop and take a taxi? It may save you some time." "Great!" I jumped off as the train just stopped and rushed to a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped at the London Coach Station. (长途汽车站) There were two coaches there. Almost without thinking, I jumped on to the coach that was starting .As I sank into a seat and looked through the window, the other coach over-passed ours at a great speed. Two black words flew over my wide –open eyes: London-Paris.英语
  • 班级规章制度的制定,应具备以下几个特征()a. 具有民主性b. 具有约定性c. 具有平等性d. 具有合法性国家开放大学
  • 16. EDTA与金属离子的配合物有哪些特点?分析化学(药学专)
  • 23[填空题] 心智技能的形成通常经历原型定向、( )和原型内化三阶段。小学教育心理学
  • III型超敏反应引起的全身免疫复合物病不包括医学微生物学和免疫学(护理专)
  • 鸦片战争时期经世派人物中( )把传统的重本抑末、重农抑商思想发展到极致。中国近代政治思想史