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43、Is your job doing harm to your health? If you are like a lot of American workers today, you experience a significant amount of stress in work. Stress doesn't just make you unhappy at work. It can affect your health. Doctors say people under stress have higher blood pressure, even when they are away from work. And they are at a higher risk for death from any cause than those who are more relaxed.
How do you know if your job could be a risk to your health? Some danger signs include difficulty getting to sleep or difficulty waking up in the morning, forgetfulness, aches and pains for no apparent reason, a desire to eat less or tendency to eat poorly, loss of interest in activities, etc. Everyone has bad days in which they feel many of these symptoms, but if you have noticed several of them, and you have experienced them for months, you may need to do something.
If you notice these signs in yourself or your loved one, check with your doctor to eliminate other possibilities. If the cause does appear to be stress, experts say you should try to make time for yourself away from work. Try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening to music and shutting out the world for a while.统考英语阅读理解 创新与维持关系说法正确的是 A、 维持是创新基础上的发展 B、 创新是维持的逻辑延续 C、 维持是为了实现创新的成果 D、 创新则是为更高层次的维持提供依托和框架管理学原理 红光、金辉、绿叶和彩虹公司分别出资50万、20万、20万、10万元建造一栋楼房,约定建成后按投资比例使用,但对楼房管理和所有权归属未作约定。对此,下列哪一说法是错误的?( )A、该楼发生的管理费用应按投资比例承担B、该楼所有权为按份共有C、红光公司投资占50%,有权决定该楼的重大修缮事宜D、彩虹公司对其享有的份额有权转让物权法 C 语言具有简洁明了的特点 C语言程序设计 The city _ _ _ _ _ _ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years. 英语(二) 在马克思主义文学批评史上,首次提出批评“尺度”即批评标准问题的是谁? A、 马克思 B、 恩格斯 C、 列宁 D、 毛泽东文学概论