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1. 在出生婴儿中,男性占53%,女性占47%,这是一个( )。
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  • 项目集成管理在项目整个生命周期内整合所有的其他项目管理过程和要素来引 导项目走向成功? 错误正确项目管理
  • 27. 组织的有形要素包括:--、--、--、--。   A、实现预期目标所实施的工作   B、确定实施工作的人员   C、确定工作人员与工作环境的关系   D、确定必要的物质条件中石油
  • 钢筋混凝土预制桩采用重叠法制作时,重叠层数不符合要求的是( )。建筑施工技术
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解When I lived in Canada, many people asked me about Chinese customs. I was happy to talk about our many lovely traditions, such as Spring Festival. But I was unprepared for the number of people who asked me about Japan, Korea, and India! It seemed unbelievable to me that so many people were unaware that China is a nation with its own tradition and history. Recently, while working on a new textbook at a publishing company, I asked a foreign colleague about weddings in Nigeria. She looked at me as if I were crazy, and said, ″How would I know? Iˊm from Canada.″ I told her that all foreign cultures are alike, so she should know. She threw her head back and laughed. ″Xiao Li,″ she told me. ″I donˊt mean to hurt your feelings, but all countries have customs different from one another! Didnˊt you tell me how angry you were when Western people asked you about Japan? Itˊs not just nations that are different: country people have different ways of celebrating from city people. Celebrations are different from family to family as well.″ At first, my feelings were very hurt, but then I realized she was right. From that time on, I have not expected my foreign colleagues to know all about the customs or languages of lands other than their own!1.Why did the author feel it was unbelievable when some Western people asked him about Japan, Korea and India?A. Because he didnˊt like these countriesB. Because he didnˊt expect few people knew China has its own tradition and historyC. Because he thought that those Western people were empty-headedD. Because he hadnˊt ever been to these countries.2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?A. The author was happy to talk about Chinese customsB. The authorˊs foreign colleague didnˊt know about weddings in NigeriaC. All foreign cultures are the sameD. The author was angry when he was asked about Japan.3.What does ″threw her head back″ mean?A. Faced upwardB. Moved her head to the sideC. Nodded her headD. Shook her head.4.Why did the author ask his foreign colleague about weddings in Nigeria?A. Because the colleague was a NigerianB. Because the colleague used to live in NigeriaC. Because he thought that all foreign cultures were alikeD. Because the colleague was very knowledgeable.5.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from this passage?A. The author would never ask his foreign colleagues about the customs that are not their ownB. The authorˊs foreign colleague used to visit NigeriaC. Celebrations are different from family to familyD. Customs are different in Japan, Korea, India and China.专科英语II
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