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 成人高等教育 / 管理方法与艺术

ABCD法中C代表( )?
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 多谐振荡器:数字电子
  • In the past seven years, China’s real estate(房地产)industry has developed in a record high speed. For those who earn less but are eager to own a decent and comfortable place of their own in a big city, the high housing price is a heavy burden that they cannot afford. For this reason, the government has taken a series of measures to prevent the housing price from rising too fast, including raising interest rates(利率)and increasing taxes on real estate(房产税)etc. Presently, these measures have achieved initial effects in some cities.大学英语
  • 在平行结转分步法下,完工产品与在产品之间费用的分配,正确的说法是指(      )两者之间的费用分配。        成本会计
  • _________即对受教育者一生各个阶段分别进行不同种类和形式的教育,它包括学前教育和社会教育。《教育法》第41条规定:“国家鼓励学校及其他教育机构、社会组织采取措施,为公民接受终身教育创造条件。”教育法学
  • 在推导转角位移方程时,考虑了( )的影响。 结构力学
  • — Haven't seen you for ages, Mike. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?— Pretty good. Everything goes well.人文英语1