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 国家开放大学 / 建设法规

建筑工程一切险的被保险人范围较宽, 所有在工程进行期间, 对该项工程承担 一定风险的有关各方 (具有可保利益的各方), 均可作为被保险人。( )

  • 5[名词解释题] 退回补充侦查 刑事诉讼法
  • 高等数学
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:20 Yolanda: Ming, look! I can’t believe it! It’s Dan. Hey Dan! How are you? Dan: Yolanda? Ming? Wow! I haven’t seen you guys since graduation night! Ming: I know. You look 1 (1)! Dan: Thanks. So do you! Ming: So what have you been 2 (2) to? Dan: Well, I go to Faber College. Yolanda: Really? Do you like it? Dan: Yeah, so 3 (3). But I’ve been studying really hard. Ming: Sure you have . . . Yolanda: So, what’s your major? Dan: It’s 4 (4) science. Ming: Ah-h-h. That makes 5 (5). You always were good at math and science. Dan: Thanks. Anyway, what have you guys been up to? Ming: Well, I’m a 6 (6) rep for a publishing company. Dan: No kidding! How do you like that? Ming: Oh, I love it! I’m on the 7 (7) a lot, but I get to meet some interesting people. Dan: That’s terrific. And how about 8 (8), Yolanda? Yolanda: I’m studying pre-med at State College. Dan: Wow – you can be my 9 (9)! You always were good at science, too. Well, it was great seeing you both. Let’s keep in 10 (10) from now on. Email me sometime. Here’s my address.高级英语听说(1)
  • [单选题] 水泥砂浆强度抗压强度同混凝土相比,除考虑抗压强度外还应考虑B A.抗拉强度 B.粘接强度 C.徐变 D.A+C土木工程材料
  • 幂级数在()上的和函数是    (  ) A.                               B.                               C.                           D. A.A B.B C.C D.D高等数学(工本)
  • 15、企业期初存货150件、账面单价10元;本期销售100件、销售单价16元、现时成本单价11元。在现时成本会计下,企业本期发生的持有资产损益为( ) A. 已实现持产损益100元,未实现持产损益250元 B. 已实现持产损益160元,未实现持产损益50元 C. 已实现持产损益300元,未实现持产损益250元 D. 已实现持产损益100元,未实现持产损益50元高级财务会计