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 国家开放大学 / 商务谈判实务

以下哪种关系的处理能够作为评价受托人能力的依据( )【多项选择题,答案不止一项】
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  • At the bus stop _____ a soldier and two young people on their way to North Carolina. A、 were B、  was C、 is D、 waiting英语4
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/02:09 Hello everybody. Welcome to the American Language Center. I’m Gina Richards, your academic 1 . You can all just call me Gina. I know today is your first day at our school, so you’re probably a little 2 and maybe a little shy, too. So, I want to tell you right at the beginning: if you don’t understand something, please ask questions. OK? And listen very carefully because we’re going to give you a 3 of important information — information that will make your experience here enjoyable and useful. Okay, here we go. Let me tell you about the plan for today. There are three things on your 4 . First, you will take a placement test. This test will 5 your English level. You’ll take a reading, grammar, and composition test. Oh, and also listening. A listening test. The whole placement test takes three hours. Next, you will meet in small groups, with a teacher, for an orientation. This 6 meeting will be about important things you need to know, like where to buy your books, what type of classes you’ll have, how to find a 7 , things like that. This is where you can ask a lot of questions. Then, finally, this afternoon, you will take a campus 8 . We’ll show you the main buildings where your classrooms are; you’ll see some of the sports 9 , you know, the tennis courts, the swimming pool, places like that; and you’ll also visit the library and the computer lab. I think you’ll be surprised how large and how beautiful our campus is. All right. Are there 10 questions before we begin?高级英语听说(1)