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 国家开放大学 / 中国文学与中国文化

司马光上书所说的“殆非所以隆礼法示四方也”,指的是当时流行的( )娱乐活动
  • 动态磁盘和基本磁盘互相转换时不会造成造成数据的丢失(      ) 网络操作系统
  • 支票一律记名,即签发的支票必须注明收款人的名称。正确错误出纳实务
  • 通过交通事故痕迹检验与鉴定可以解决以下问题: (下面所列的①②③④选项,至少有2项是正确的。点击你认为正确的选项组合) ①确认肇事车辆之间、车辆与人体、车辆与路侧设施的接触部位,为碰撞形态鉴定提供依据。 ②针对涉嫌利用伪造交通事故现场,骗取保险的案件,可通过事故现场勘察和肇事车辆痕迹检验,可以对事故的真实性进行鉴定。 ③通过对事故涉嫌车辆、人员及指认现场的痕迹进行勘验,确定案件性质。 ④对肇事车辆造成的人身伤害民事赔偿责任进行评估①、② ①、③ ②、③ ②、④汽车保险与理赔(本)
  • [单选题] 下列关于线程的说法正确的是() A.一个线程被创建,它就立即开始运行 B.使用start()方法可以使一个线程立即开始运行 C.当一个线程因为抢先机制而停止运行时,它被放在可运行队列的前面 D.一个正在运行的线程可能因为某些情况而进入阻塞状态Java程序设计
  • 24[填空题] Over the summer, my family took a trip to Iceland to see the natural beauty of it. Little did I 21 I would wake up one morning to have my eyes swelled up ( 肿胀 ) like balloons! I was frightened. So many questions were 22 through my head. Am I allergic ( 过敏的 ) to something?Was there some Icelandic disease that I 23 ? The only help I received was some allergy medicine 24 a clinic nearby. Nothing was working. When the trip was over, I went to see my doctor. She gave me eye drops, but clearly they weren't worth the time or 25 and the swelling got worse and worse. I finally decided that it would be best for me to 26 being so sad and take it easy and have fun. It was summer after all. I had a fun night with my friends as if nothing was 27 . The next morning I woke up and went to 28 how swollen my eyes were, only to find myself 29 at my normal face. It was a miracle ( 奇迹 ). I 30 asking myself why I hadn' t done that earlier. Was being with my friends and having fun really the 31 to my problem? To this day I still do not know what I had, and 32 do any of the many doctors that I 33 during the summer. I would really like to go back to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, 34 I am very much frightened that I am just allergic to the country. I hope I never 35 having such terrible swelling in my eyes ever again. 21. A. know B. doubt C. insist D. fear 22. A. cutting B. going C. pulling D.hurrying 23. A. caused B. fought C. caught D. treated 24. A. on B. from C. with D. to 25. A. pain B. adventure C. weight D. money 26. A. try B. mind C. prefer D. stop 27. A. fair B. mistaken C. similar D. wrong 28. A. check B. explain C. describe D. mark 29. A. aiming B. looking C. waving D. pointing 30. A. missed B. kept C. regretted D. excused 31. A. way B. relation C. answer D. devotion 32. A. neither B. none C. either D. no 33. A. hated B. employed C. disappointed D. visited 34. A. so B. or C. but D. for 35. A. finish B. forgive C. experience D.consider专升本英语1
  • [单选题] (  )用来反映建设项目总投资、基建投资支出、新增生产能力、主要材料消耗和主要技术经济指标等方面的设计、概算数额与实际完成数额的情况。 A.建设项目竣工工程概况表 B.建设项目竣工财务决算表 C.待摊投资明细表 D.投资包干执行情况表及编制说明建筑工程概预算