>> 高等继续教育 / 创新创业:理论实践与应用
51、Last summer, I took my first airplane flight from London to New York. I boarded the plane at Croydon Airfield and, from that moment on, my life was arranged for me on the trip. First, I was directed to my seat by the stewardess. Then, when the plane was ready to take off, the other passengers and I were told to fasten our seat belts. A few minutes after take-off, magazines and newspapers were passed out. Because my ears hurt, I was given some gum to chew. Next, we were given instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. We were given earphones to listen to music and told that a movie would be shown after dinner. Before dinner, we were asked if we wanted a cocktail. Dinner was served on a tray, but it was attractive and delicious. We were permitted to have a refill on any beverage. After dinner, we were shown a new Hollywood movie. When I felt cold, I was given a blanket and when I felt airsick, I was given a paper bag. Everything was done for the comfort of the passengers. When the plane landed, I was almost sorry to get off and have to start doing things for myself again.统考英语阅读理解 常微分方程 班轮运输的运输应该()(A) 包括装卸费,但不计滞期、速遣费 (B) 包括装卸费,但应计滞期、速遣费 (C) 包括装卸费和应计滞期,不计速遣费 (D) 包括装卸费和应计速遣费,不计滞期国际贸易学 名词解释 劳动的二重性马克思主义基本原理概论 场地类比是根据土层等效剪切波速和场地覆盖层厚度综合确定。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月7日 0点23分 建筑结构 高等数学三:线性代数