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 河南成教 / 经济数学




  • 人民法院审理破产案件,应当依法保障企业职工的合法权益,依法追究破产企业经营管理人员的法律责任。 商法
  • [多选题] 当变流级直流输入信号的()改变时,交流输出信号的()也随之改变。 A.测量值 B.频率 C.极性 D.相位热工测量与仪表
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Crime is everywhere. In our neighborhood, in the neighboring state, wherever we look, we find criminals and crime. Criminals have _ _ _ _ _ a part of our daily lives. Does this mean we let them be the darkness of our society? No, definitely not. Eliminating crime and criminals is our duty, and we cannot ignore it. Getting the rightly accused to a just _ _ _ _ _ is very important. Some criminals commit a crime because they have no other option to survive, but some do it for fun. I do not advocate for everybody. A person _ _ _ _ _ stole bread from a grocery store, definitely does not deserve the death penalty. However, a serial killer, who kills people for fun or for his personal gain, definitely deserves it. The death penalty should continue _ _ _ _ _ eliminate the garbage of our society. Not everybody deserves to die, but some people surely do. I support the death penalty because of several reasons. Firstly, I believe that it serves as a deterrent and helps in _ _ _ _ _ crime. Secondly, it is true that it is irreversible, but it is hard to kill a wrongly convicted person due to the several chances given to the convicted to prove his innocence. Thirdly, the death penalty assures safety of the society by eliminating these criminals. Finally, I believe in “a life for a life”.1、 A. reducing B. who C. punishmen E. become D. in order to 2、 A. in order to B. who C. reducing D. punishmen E. become 3、 A. reducing B. punishmen E. become C. who D. in order to 4、 A. in order to B. punishmen E. become C. who D. reducing 5、 A. in order to B. who C. reducing D. punishmen E. become统考英语B
  • 贝叶斯决策是依据( )的进⾏决策的⽅法。联合概率 边际概率 条件概率 后验概率经济预测
  • "某汽车制造厂为增值税一般纳税人,该厂生产的汽车出厂单价为10万元(不含增值税),2011年3月该厂发生如下经济业务:(1)以异地托收承付结算方式向A经销商销售汽车50辆,3月20日发出货物并与当天办妥托收手续,但3月31前未收到货款。(2)捐赠给B公司(增值税一般纳税人)汽车8辆,并根据B公司的要求开具了增值税专用发票,为该业务支付运费12000元,运输单位开具的发票抬头为B公司,发票已经由该厂转交给B公司。(3)购进汽车零配件一批,取得增值税专用发票上注明的价款400万元;另支付运费等其他杂费共3万元,取得运输单位开具的运输发票上注明运费金额2万元、建设基金5000元、装卸费2000元、保险费3000元。(4)从小规模纳税人处购进小汽车零配件一批,取得当地税务机关代开的增值税专用发票上注明税款6万元。(5)本厂不动产基本建设工程领取上月购进的已经抵扣进项税额的生产用钢材价值10万元(不含税)。要求:计算该企业当期应纳增值税税额。"税收筹划
  • 26[填空题]           的代表作是八十二首《咏怀诗》 .中国古代文学专题