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 国家开放大学 / 管理学基础

每种备选方案只有一种确定结果的决策,即决策事件未来的自然状态明确,只要比较各方案的结果即能选出最优方案的决策是( )
  • 简析社区0~3岁婴幼儿关联工作者的专业理念。学前儿童发展心理学
  • 确定正常人某个指标正常值范围时,调查对象是: 医学统计学
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空The task of being accepted and enrolled (招收) in a university begins early for some students. Long _ _ _ _ _ they graduate from high school. These Students take special courses to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations that test how _ _ _ _ _ prepared they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they complete applications and send them, with their student records, to the universities which they hope to _ _ _ _ _ . Some high school students may be _ _ _ _ _ to have an interview with representatives of the university. Neatly dressed, and usually very frightened, they are determined to show that they have a good attitude and the _ _ _ _ _ to succeed.When the new students are finally accepted, there may be one more step they have to _ _ _ _ _ before registering for classes and getting to work. Many colleges and universities _ _ _ _ _ an orientation (情况介绍) program for new students. In these programs, the young people get to know the procedures for registration and student advising, university rules, the _ _ _ _ _ of the library and all the other major services of the college or university.Beginning a new life in a new place can be very _ _ _ _ _ . The more knowledge students have _ _ _ _ _ the school, the easier it will be for them to adapt to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.1、 A. as B. before C. since D. after 2、 A. widely B. deeply C. much D. well 3、 A. belong B. study C. participate D. attend 4、 A. acquired B. required C. ordered D. considered 5、 A. power B. ability C. quality D. possibility 6、 A. pass B. undergo C. take D. make 7、 A. grant B. supply C. afford D. offer 8、 A. use B. usage C. utility D. application 9、 A. misleading B. confusing C. alarming D. amusing 10、 A. about B. on C. before D. at统考英语A
  • 经济增长:(    )经济学(本)
  • 5[单选题] 下面选项都是变更外包协议的流程,以及商业银行或外包服务商选择变更或终止外包协议的条件,除了 A.商业银行或外包服务商的所有权或控制权发生变化 B.商业银行或外包服务商的业务经营发生重大变化 C.外包服务商提供的服务不充分,造成商业银行不能履行监督义务 D. 商业银行与外包服务商签约期满。消费心理学
  • 不同性质的税种以及不同情况的纳税人,其纳税期限不同。下列不属于纳税期限觉得因素的是( )。 税务会计