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 高等继续教育 / 材料力学


  • 题干二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。 Amphibious Architecture: Flood-Proof Home Designs     Instead of trying to beat back the rising flood, innovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising flood. These buildings are ready for whatever Mother Nature might throw at them– even 10-foot floodwaters. Let's take a look at just two of them. The UK's First Amphibious House    The UK's first amphibious house is located on the Thames River. And the first amphibious building in Britain will be completed soon. Baca Architects designed this home for a couple who wanted to live on a flood-prone island, an island easy to be attacked by floods, in the Thames River. This building is equipped with a terraced landscape. And this terraced landscape acts as an early warning system when the waters are rising. The terraces will be filled with water before the ‘wet dock’ under the house does, and then the home itself will slowly rise to stay above the water. Solar Powered Floating School in Nigeria    Residents of Makoko in Nigeria have been building houses on stilts for generations. People there go from one house to another by canoe. As sea levels are rising, officials threaten to tear down the entire community. If these houses are tore down, 250,000 people will be homeless and have to look for a new place to live. Architects found a solution in floating structures with improved sanitation conditions. The first completed example is a three-storey solar-powered school.     This amazing floating school addresses social, physical and ecological needs. Built on top of 256 recycled blue barrels, the school buildings are made of triangular bamboo and wood. Makoko's residents made full use of their skills when building these structures. With three levels, the solar-powered high school has room for 100 local kids and recycles rainwater to flush the toilets. And the cost for the whole school structures was under $7,000.   1.Innovative amphibious buildings have adaptation to the rising flood.  回答TF正确获得3.00分中的3.00分 2.The first amphibious building in Britain has been completed.  回答TF正确获得3.00分中的3.00分 3.250,000 residents of Makoko in Nigeria will be homeless if officials tear down their houses.  回答TF正确获得3.00分中的3.00分 4.The first completed floating school has three floors.   回答TF正确获得3.00分中的3.00分 5.In the opinion of the writer, the cost for the floating school was quite high.   回答TF正确获得3.00分中的3.00分理工英语3
  • 价值观是了解员工态度和动机的基础,也影响人们对人和事的知觉和判断,其重要性体现在( ) 组织行为学
  • 对于企业计算机系统的数据录入,录入员要保证录入的数据与字面的数据严格一致,对于数据的具体含义承担责任。 企业信息管理
  • 12. 发出要约的一方称为(  )建设法规
  • 13[单选题] 下列属于正式沟通网络的是() A.偶然式 B.流言式 C.集束式 D.全通道式组织行为学
  • 在某种程度上,男性更容易找到报酬高的工作。(to ... extent, well-paid jobs)电子商务英语