1.  >>  河南成教 / 热工测量与仪表
 河南成教 / 热工测量与仪表

[填空题] 自动平衡电桥的测量桥路有()两种,而电子电位差计的测量桥路只有()一种。
  • 1[论述题] 设二叉树以二叉链表的形式存储,有关类型定义如下: typedef struct BiTNode { // 结点结构 int data; struct BiTNode *lchild, *rchild; // 左右孩子指针 } BiTNode, *BiTree; 下面是求二叉树上叶子结点个数的类_C算法,请填空。 int Leaf_number ( BiTree T ) //T是树的根结点的指针 { } // Leaf_number数据结构
  • 10[多选题] 访问调查法接访问者与被访问者的交流方式不同划分,分为( )。 A.文案调查法 B.个案调查 C.直接访问 D.间接调查市场调研
  • 操作码后直接给出操作所需要的具体数值是 A.立即寻址 B.直接寻址 C.间接寻址 D.指针寻址 E.可编程控制器应用技术(西门子)
  • 1[判断题] 一般来说,制造业的区域分工比较明显,旅游业的区域分工不明显。 A.正确 B.错误当代经济学流派
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Edison is a well-known American inventor. He was taught by his mother when he was a child. Later he learned things _ _ _ _ _ himself by reading and experimenting. He built a lab for himself to work in, and he worked very hard in his sixty years of scientific activities. He made over a thousand inventions. _ _ _ _ _ inventors in the world could have such great success.Edison’s first invention was _ _ _ _ _ in 1868. He was _ _ _ _ _ a telegraph operator. He wished to work _ _ _ _ _ a new method to _ _ _ _ _ the old telegraph system because it was impossible at that time for the system to send more than one message along the same line at the same time. He _ _ _ _ _ all the works of Farady, another great scientist, before starting his invention. Sometimes he didn’t go to bed and even didn’t stop to eat. He thought he had very much to do and there was no time to _ _ _ _ _ . Days and nights he was reading and reading. After he had read through Farady’s writings, he began his experiments. A few months _ _ _ _ _ he succeeded in _ _ _ _ _ a double transmitter and improved the old telegraph system.1、 A. by B. in C. with D. on 2、 A. Little B. A few C. A little D. Few 3、 A. made B. found C. invented D. discovered 4、 A. helping B. working C. as D. then 5、 A. out B. up C. at D. on 6、 A. improve B. use C. change D. build 7、 A. reading B. reads C. readed D. read 8、 A. lose B. finish C. think D. work 9、 A. since B. before C. later D. after 10、 A. built B. builds C. building D. build统考英语A
  • 总监理工程师是工程监理的( )主体 建设工程法规及相关知识