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You have an XML document that you can easily a DOM tree.
C、convert into
  • document.write($wapper.api.getDisplayFormat("(A)(1,+ ∞)是凸的,在(-∞,1)是凹的(B)(1,+ ∞)是凹的,在(-∞,1)是凸的(C)(0,+ ∞)是凸的,在(-∞,0)是凹的(D)(0,+ ∞)是凹的,在(-∞,0)是凸的[参考答案:A]  分值:4"));(A)(1,+ ∞)是凸的,在(-∞,1)是凹的(B)(1,+ ∞)是凹的,在(-∞,1)是凸的(C)(0,+ ∞)是凸的,在(-∞,0)是凹的(D)(0,+ ∞)是凹的,在(-∞,0)是凸的[参考答案:A]  分值:4showAnswer("lemonysoft_item_9vzxhwrkon_11","","3");得分: 分系统自动批改于2020年5月31日 17点44分 (A)(1,+ ∞)是凸的,在(-∞,1)是凹的(B)(1,+ ∞)是凹的,在(-∞,1)是凸的(C)(0,+ ∞)是凸的,在(-∞,0)是凹的(D)(0,+ ∞)是凹的,在(-∞,0)是凸的[参考答案:A]  分值:4高等数学(专科)
  • 64、对博客进行管理主要是通过______来实现的。 A.计算机算法 B.管理界面 C.管理模版 D.管理日志计算机统考
  • 下面哪几种二维图形可以作为放样路径() 三维动画制作
  • 割占我国九龙半岛南端的不平等条约是《北京条约》正确错误中国近现代史纲要
  • 郭沫若曾在《文艺复兴》第2卷第3期的《鲁迅与王国维》一文中,肯定王国维“用科学的方法来回治旧学”,将王国维的( )与鲁迅的《中国小说史略》称为“中国文艺研究史上的双璧”。 文论专题
  • 42、Everyone knows what a needle is. Of course there are needles for sewing machines, needles for injection, you nameit. But few people think of the wonder a needle works in the hands of those who practice acupuncture. During the past ten years of so, I have been suffering from a terrible headache. It seems to be getting from bad to worsethese days. Last night I got a sudden pain in my head. It was so terrible that I could hardly bear it. Although I swallowed all kinds of pain-killers, I didn't feel any better. It seemed that there was nothing I could do but phone for a doctor. One of our neighbors happened to be with us. He was not a doctor, but he timidly offered his help, saying "Do you mind if I tried acupuncture on you? These needles may possibly do you some good."I agreed. In a moment, he had taken out a few needles from his purse. Without a moment's delay, he fixed a few needles into the skin on my head here and there. Before long, I felt thoroughly relieved. Just then, the doctor sped through my house and said,"Where is our patient?" "Sorry, Doctor, You are too late. It's killed!" I answered in delight. It's a miracle, isn't it?统考英语阅读理解