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进行配合比设计时,水灰比是根据(    )确定的。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 18、The word "horsepower" was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt had made the world's first widely used steam engine. He had no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring power. Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He called that unit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do. He discovered that a horse could lift a 3300-pound weight 10 feet into the air on one minute. His engine could lift a 33-pound weight 100 feet in one minute. Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepower engine.统考英语阅读理解
  • 186、ROM中的中文意思是______。 A.随机存取存储器 B.外存储器 C.只读存储器 D.内存储器计算机统考
  • 如果在窗体上已经创建了一个文本框对象TextI,可以通过 事件获得输入键值的ASCII码。 (A)Change(B)LostFocus(C)KeyPress(D)GotFocus[参考答案:C]  分值:4得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月25日 23点47分 VB程序设计
  • 82、Windows中,要设置将任务栏上的音量图标显示出来,操作正确的是______。 A.鼠标左键单击开始按钮,在开始菜单中选择“属性” B.鼠标右击桌面空白处,在弹出菜单中选择“属性” C.鼠标右击任务栏空白处,在弹出菜单中选择“属性” D.鼠标右击地址栏空白处,在弹出菜单中选择“属性”计算机统考
  • 对置业投资来说,房地产投资的经济效果主要表现为( )等方面。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月7日 0点21分 房地产概论
  • 循环行驶工况油耗量这个指标能更真实地反映出汽车在使用过程中的实际油耗。 汽车运用基础