>> 国家开放大学 / 公务员法
下面哪些说法是错误的?( )得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月25日 23点32分 JAVA语言 54、网站向网民提供信息服务,是Internet内容提供商(ICP);网络运营商向用户提供接入服务,是互联网服务提供商(ISP)。因此,中国电信和新浪可以分别称它们为_______。
D.UDP﹑TCP计算机统考 下列哪种物质可以特异性被动转移体液免疫? 医学免疫学 法和执政党政策的重要区别是(A) 调整的范围不同 (B) 实施的方式不同 (C) 政策的灵活性大于法 (D) 政策要以法律为指导法理学 新文化运动对资本主义持完全接受的态度正确错误中国近现代史纲要 47、Bill turned the key in the heavy lock and put it calmly in his pocket. He did so from a certain kind of fear. This was the only entrance to the house. Though Tom would be away for at least three days, Bill had a strange feeling of his nearness. In the stillness he seemed to hear Tom's voice. He turned round quickly, but there was only the girl.
The girl carrying an oil lamp led Bill upstairs. She stopped and raised the lamp in each doorway, staring at him meanwhile. Satisfied he was the only guest, Bill came to the last door.
"You sleep here, sir," she said, giving him the lamp. "Your friend slept here, too."
"Good night, miss," he said politely.
Her lips moved in reply, but he didn't catch the words. Her eyes never for a moment left his face. He stepped in, and as he turned to close the door she was still standing there. In the silence he felt a little terrified now.
He shut the door in the girl's face then, leaving her in the dark. He opened it again almost at once. She had disappeared without a sound. A deep mistrust suddenly came to him. Why had that girl stared at him so?统考英语阅读理解