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 成人高等教育 / 学前教育心理学

美国心理学家加德纳的( )理论,认为智力的内涵是多个方面的,由九种彼此不同、相对独立的智力构成
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 8.右心衰竭引起全身性水肿的最重要的机制是 A、 A、肾小球滤过率下降 B、 B、肾小管重吸收水钠增强 C、 C、血浆胶渗压降低 D、 D、淋巴回流障碍 E、 E、毛细血管内压升高病理生理学
  • (单选题) I _ _ _ _ wrong before.( ) A、must countB、must have countedC、must be countingD、must be counted大学英语3
  • “把观点设想出来并加以处理以及将关系抽象化的精神能力”被称为概念技能。 A、正确 B、错误管理学原理
  • 24、In the high mountain country outside the city of Toluker, there stands a prison. This prison is quite different from other prisons in the world. The guards, except for two at the main gate, are not armed. There are many remarkable things about Toluker prison. For example, of the 15,000 individuals who have been in prison at Toluker, less than two percent have got into trouble again with the law. Men in the open prison are free to find work outside, but go back to prison each night. On weekends they are allowed to go home. When most other prisons are still sending criminals back into society, Toluker is returning people who stand on their own feet and contribute to society. In 1974, a prisoner called Barb Crook moved to the open prison. A year later, he left Toluker for the last time. He was then nearly forty-six and had been in prison for fourteen years. He got a job as construction worker in the city, remarried and was regarded as a useful person of his community. If you ask Bob why Toluker works, he would say, "Because they believed in me when I was at my worst."统考英语阅读理解
  • 4个月婴儿,昨日种了百白破混合疫苗,今日有轻度发热,稍哭吵不安,查:体温382°C(肛表),右上臂外側注射部位有轻微红肿。咽不充血,心肺无异常发现,下列哪项处理最恰当() 学前儿童保育学
  • 组织的设计必须考虑到人的因素,即 A、 有利于人的能力的提高 B、 有利于人的发展 C、 有利于个性的发挥 D、 有利于个人潜能的发挥管理学原理