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 成人高等教育 / 组织学与胚胎学

脾具有滤过血液的功能。( )
  • A、正确
  • B、错误
  • 人感染HBV后,很难在血清中检出的抗原是: A、 HbsAg B、 HbcAg C、 HbeAg D、 PreS1 E、 PreS2病原生物学
  • 压电陶瓷扬声器的工作原理是逆压电效应 传感器与监测技术
  • 6、William J. Sidis, was born in 1898. _ _ 21 _ _ father was an American psychiatrist. At the age of six months, William knew the English alphabet; he could read and write when he was two. When he was eight years _ _ 22 _ _ , young Sidis had completed both elementary and high school. At the age of nine, William entered Harvard University. As a _ _ 23 _ _ at Harvard, Sidis displayed phenomenal knowledge in the field of mathematics, often amazing his professors. He graduated with honors _ _ 24 _ _ the age of 16 and became a full professor of mathematics at the university at 19. The story of William J. Sidis unfortunately, does not end happily. This brilliant ex-genius died a lonely death in 1943 in a hotel room _ _ 25 _ _ New York.统考英语完型填空
  • 我国《刑法》第三百五十八条规定:组织他人卖淫或者强迫他人卖淫的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金;某地检察机关在办理一起涉嫌组织同性卖淫案时,将法律规定的“他人”理解为既指女性,也包括男性。这一解释属于()。(A) 扩大解释 (B) 限制解释 (C) 字面解释 (D) 自由解释法理学
  • 教学设计的成果是经过验证、能实现预期功能的( ) 教育技术与媒体
  • 鲁迅曾说:“没有民魂是值得宝贵的,没有他发扬起来,中国才有真进步。”实现中国梦必须弘扬中国精神,中国精神是兴国强国之魂是( ) 思想道德与法治