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 高等继续教育 / 计算机组成与维护

  • 13[单选题] 突出屋面的小建筑,由于刚度和质量突然变小,局部地震反应有可能加剧,计算作用在小建筑上的地震作用需乘以增大系数抗震规范规定为(),向主体结构传递时不乘增大系数。 A.4 B.1 C.2 D.3建筑结构抗震设计
  • 输卵管结扎部为护理应用解剖学
  • 表现了“不可名言之理,不可施见之事,不可径达之情”(叶燮)的诗句有:中国文学批评史
  • “倒金字塔式管理”体系中,处于中端力量的是(    )。 幼儿园管理
  • 22、 It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. A. Usually one has to pay a visit to his home country before he knows that his home country B. Usually one has to take a trip away from before he knows that his home country is not perf C. Usually one has to pay a visit to his home country before he knows that his home country i D. Usually one has to take a trip away from home country before he knows that his home count大学英语2
  • 渠道防渗的工程技术措施主要是 国家开放大学