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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 英语对话
A: Youˊve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.
B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.Comeagainwhenyouarefree.
  • 65、目前常用的传输介质不包括________。 A.双绞线 B.同轴电缆 C.光纤 D.电源线计算机统考
  • 停止营业点是_______曲线的最低点西方经济学
  • 1922年孙中山说:“中华民国就像是我的孩子,他现在有淹死的危险,我向英国和美国求救……他们站在岸上嘲笑。”为改变这种状况,他其后的努力不包括A、实现国共合作B、领导北伐战争C、接受“三大政策”D、提出新三民主主义中国近现代史纲要
  • 21、You may think there is only sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there is a little rain and it is not _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert. There is water in some places in the deserts. We call these places oases(绿州). In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow all kinds of vegetables and rice in the fields there. People _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals live _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ the desert plants for their food and do not need any water. The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use the camels for carrying water, food, and something else. The people of the desert have to keep _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ from place to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. When there is no more food for their animals, they move to another place. The desert people are _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ . Every one in the desert likes to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.统考英语完型填空
  • 1978年的《全日制十年制学校小学数学教学大纲(试行草案)》中的几何教学内容增加了 ( )(A) 平行线 (B) 圆柱 (C) 圆锥 (D) 扇形小学数学教学论
  • 民事主体有三类即,自然人、法人和其他社会组织,个体户属于其他社会组织。 经济法