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 高等继续教育 / 国际经济学


  • 14、变压器绕组的极性主要取决于()。 A. 绕组的绕向; B. 绕组的几何尺寸; C. 绕组内通过电流大小; D. 绕组的材料。风力发电技术及工程
  • 探究学习的基本环节主要包括(   ) a. 探求问题的生成与确定b. 探究方案的实施与开展c. 探究结论的交流与评价d. 探究方案的策划与设计小学科学教学研究
  • 3[填空题] Many doctors working on the battlefield of terminal suffering think that only squeamishness demands a   1   difference between passive and active euthanasia on request. Their   2   for killing goes like this: one of a doctor’s   3   is to prevent suffering; sometimes that is all there is left for him to do, and killing is the only way to do it. There is nothing new in this view. When Hippocrates   4   his oath for doctors, which explicitly rules   5   active killing, most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his   6  .   The women’s magazines are about one third   7   to clothes, one third to mild comment   8   sex, and the   9   third to recipes and pictures of handsome salads, desserts, and main   10   . “Institutes” exist to experiment and tell housewives how to cook attractive meals and how to turn leftovers into   11   of art. The food thus pictured looks   12   famous paintings of still life. The only trouble is it’s tasteless.   One of the greatest and most   13   criticisms of television has been that in   14   to the largest audience possible, it neglects minority audiences and minority tastes. This is still   15   true. But there is, perhaps, one program a day and many, of course, on Sunday which an intelligent man or woman can enjoy and   16   interest from. In my trips east or west or north or south, I pick up the   17   paper to find this enjoyment or interest—  18   vain.   American individualism, on the   19   of it an admirable philosophy, wishes to manifest itself in independence of the community. You don’t share things in   20  ; you have your own things. A family’s strength is signalized by its possessions. Herein lies a   21  . For the desire for possessions must eventually mean dependence on possessions. Freedom is slavery. Once let the   22   instinct burgeon, and there are ruggedly individual forces   23   too ready to make it come to full and monstrous   24  . New appetites are invented; what to the European are bizarre    25   become, to the American, plain necessities.   A.acquisitive B.appealing C.argument D.ban E.blossom F.common G.courses H.dedicated I.derive J.duties K.face L.firm M.formulated N.in O.justified P.largely Q.like R.local S.on T.only U.other V.out W.paradox X.works河南理工大学
  • 25.下列关于一上消化道出血伴柏油样便病人的护理诊断的陈述,正确的是:( ) 健康评估
  • 细菌细胞膜的功能包括:医学微生物学和免疫学(护理专)
  • 14. He ran to the railway station and _____the last train.   A、catch   B、catches   C、caught   D、catched中石油