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 高等继续教育 / 教育管理案例研究

题型描述: 单选题
  • 按分析任务分类,分析化学主要包括()分析化学(药学专)
  • 30[填空题] 施工程序是指单位工程中各()间的先后次序及其制约关系。建筑施工组织与管理
  • 客户导向型推销是以达成交易为主旨,以现有产品为中心,通过种种技巧、方法,说服客户购买的推销观念。 推销策略与艺术
  • 控制细胞周期进程主要通过抑制Cdk的活性来实现医学细胞生物学
  • 分析图所示时序电路,画出电路的时序图。数字电子
  • 题干二、阅读理解:完形填空(每空10分)    操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。 Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse may leave lasting scars. Some scars are physical, but some emotional scars may affect a child's whole life. The effects of child abuse include: Lack of trust. The child needs safety physically and 回答ABC正确正确答案是:C获得10.00分中的10.00分. If a child suffers from abuse, he won't feel safe, so it is very difficult for him to learn to trust people. This may lead to difficulties when the child has to 回答ABC正确正确答案是:A获得10.00分中的10.00分good relationship with the others, because he is afraid that someone may control him. Feelings of being “worthless”. If you tell a child over and over again that he is stupid or no good, it is very hard for him to overcome the feelings, and he will accept them. When he grows up, he may not work hard for a 回答ABC正确正确答案是:A获得10.00分中的10.00分 life, because he doesn't believe he can make it or he thinks of himself as worthless. Trouble in 回答ABC正确正确答案是:B获得10.00分中的10.00分 emotions. If an adult once suffered from abuse in his childhood, he can't express emotions safely. 回答ABC正确正确答案是:C获得10.00分中的10.00分, the emotions are coming out in unexpected ways. He may easily get angry, even turn to drugs to numb out the painful feelings.       1.  A. emotional       B.  verbal             C.  emotionally       2.  A. keep              B. form                C.  have       3.  A.  better           B. good                C. nice       4.  A. to control       B.  controlling       C. control       5.  A. In addition      B. By contrast      C.   As a result反馈答案:1. C  2. A  3.A  4. B  5.C      解析: 本题选C, 因为emotionally 和前面的physically 相对应,表示“儿童需要身心安全。“  并且and是并列连词,它连接的前后两项的词性必须一致,其前面的一项是副词physically, 所以后面也应该是副词,所以本题选C. 本题选A, 因为根据句意,这里应该用keep 表示“与他人保持良好关系”。form 意为“形成”, have意为“拥有”, 都和上下文的含义不符,所以本题选A. 本题选A, 因为根据常识人们通常是为了更好的生活而努力奋斗,所以只有better符合原文表达意思的需要。 本题选B, 因为 in是介词,其后如果要接动词,必须用其动名词的形式,所以本题选B. 本题选C, 因为前后句是因果关系。 as a result 意为“结果…..“, 引出事情的结果。by contrast意为 “相比之下”,其前后句是对比关系。in addition 意为”另外“, 表示补充说明。 选项C符合题意。人文英语1