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 成人高等教育 / 机械设计基础

在凸轮机构中,要求传动效率高,利于润滑且高速传动的场合,应选用( )
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Your body, which has close relations _ _ _ _ the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper _ _ _ _ _ and proper nourishment (营养). The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ” is not as silly as some people think. The body needs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pill form, believing that these will make them healthy.But a good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn’t need or use extra vitamins, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ why waste money on them?In the modern western world, many people are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ busy to bother about eating properly. They throw anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is frightening.1、 A. with B. of C. from D. to 2、 A. statement B. treatment C. measurement D. movement 3、 A. altogether B. apart C. away D. alone 4、 A. meat B. milk C. fish D. fruit 5、 A. of B. for C. in D. on 6、 A. habit B. life C. style D. diet 7、 A. although B. so C. otherwise D. however 8、 A. too B. extremely C. much D. very 9、 A. noisily B. carefully C. quietly D. carelessly 10、 A. behaviors B. habits C. hobbies D. manners统考英语A
  • 2、数据分析的一般流程为()明确目的和思路、数据收集、数据处理、数据分析、数据展现明确目的和思路、数据收集、数据分析、数据展现数据收集、数据处理、数据分析、数据展现明确目的和思路、数据处理、数据分析、数据展现电子商务数据分析与应用
  • 许慎的“建类一首,同意相受”是指( )。转注 假借 形声古代汉语专题
  • 2、 歌曲《满江红》(岳飞词)的来历?声乐
  • [单选题] 音频和视频信息在计算机内的表示形式是()。 A.模拟信息 B.模拟信息和数字信息交叉 C.高频信息 D.数字信息计算机应用基础
  • 下面选项中,有关路由器分类说法不正确的是( ) 网络设备管理