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 高等继续教育 / 国际金融学

题型描述: 多选题
  • 21[多选题] 叙述的人称主要有(    )几种。 A.第一人称 B.第二人称 C.第三人称 D.第四人称写作(一)
  • 2[单选题] 幼儿园实施保教任务的基本单位是 A.教研室 B.年级组 C.兴趣小组 D.班级幼儿园管理
  • 数字现金是一种以()形式流通的、能被消费者和商家接受的、通过INTERNET购买商品或服务时使用的货币。电子商务
  • 题型描述: 听力二1.A. It was too dark to put the key in the lock.B. His friend gave him the wrong key.C. He didnˊt know where the back door was.D. He couldnˊt find the key to his mailbox.2.A. He was afraid of being blamed by his friend.B. It was getting dark.C. His friend would arrive any time.D. The birds might have flown away.3.A. The torch light made him look very foolish.B. He realised that he had made a mistake.C. He looked silly with only one leg inside the window.D. He knew the policeman wouldnˊt believe him.英语听力I
  • 24[判断题] Addison’s The Spectator was published three times a week, having one essay for each issue.() A.正确 B.错误英国文学作品选读
  • 5[单选题] 国际保险市场惯例,投保金额通常在CIF总值的基础上 A.加一成 B.加二成 C.加三成 D.加四成河南理工大学