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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

37、在Internet Explorer浏览器中,要保存一个网址,可以使用______。
  • 为什么没有成交       一位顾客和他的朋友一起走进商店,他要给妻子买一台冰箱作为结婚周年的礼物。刚好碰上一位年轻的售货员,售货员开始介绍冰箱,刚介绍了没几分钟,其中一位朋友便对那位顾客说:“好极了,这正适合你的需要。”另一位朋友也表示赞成,那位顾客也点点头。可是这位没有经验的售货员并不理会这些成交的迹象,而是只顾继续介绍商品。后来顾客和他的朋友又打开门上下看,并仔细看说明书,做出好几个明显的成交的动作,而这个年轻的售货员还在不停地往下讲。直到那三个人兴趣索然地离开商店,他都没有弄明白这笔生意为什么没有成交。为什么推销员热心地介绍却没有成交?怎么能成交?现代推销技术
  • [翻译题] get through成人英语2
  • 题型描述: 英语对话 A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B: He teaches physics at a school.A.Whatdoesyourfatherwanttodo?B.Howisyourfather?C.Whatisyourfather?D.Whoisyourfather?统考英语B
  • [单选题] In ( ),eye contact is considered a statement of equality and is too personal a gesture to use with stranger in a social setting A. Canada B.Japan C.Russia D.France商务英语
  • 保险人对保险合同中的保险责任免除条款未向投保人明确说明的,产生下列哪一后果? ( )(A) 保险合同无效 (B) 该条款不产生效力 (C) 对该条款作不利于保险人的解释 (D) 可以减少投保人的保险费商法学
  • 46、Mr Brown was very good at fixing things around the house when they broke. One day he went to another city to do some work there, and his wife was alone in the house. While Mr Brown was away, one of the faucets(自来水龙头) on the bathtub broke. Mrs Brown didn't know much about fixing broken faucets, so she telephoned a plumber(管子工). The plumber came to the house that afternoon and fixed the faucet in a few minutes. When he finished, he gave Mrs Brown his bill for the work. She looked at it for several seconds and then said, "Your prices are very high, aren't they? Do you know, the doctor costs less than this when he comes to the house?" "Yes, I know," answered the plumber, "I know that very well, because I was a doctor until I was lucky enough to find this job a few months ago."统考英语阅读理解