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 成人高等教育 / 线性代数


  • A、正确
  • B、错误
  • 25、After having lived for over twenty years in the same district, Albert Hall was forced to move to a new neighborhood. He surprised his landlord by telling him that he was leaving because he could not afford to buy any more chocolate. It all began a year ago when Albert returned home one evening and found a large dog in front of his gate. He was very fond of animals and as he happened to have a small piece of chocolate in his pocket, he gave it to the dog. The next day, the dog was there again. It held up its paws and received another piece of chocolate as a reward. Albert called his new friend "Bingo". He never found out the dog's real name, nor who his owner was. However, Bingo appeared regularly every afternoon and it was quite clear that he preferred chocolate to bones. He soon grew dissatisfied with small pieces of chocolate and demanded a large bar a day. If at any time Albert neglected his duty, Bingo got very angry and refused to let him open the gate. Albert was now at Bingo's mercy and had to bribe him to get into his own house! He spent such a large part of his weekly wages to keep Bingo supplied with that in the end he had to move somewhere else.统考英语阅读理解
  • 常微分方程
  • 劳动生产率变化与商品价值量变化的关系是( ) (A)与单位时间内所形成的价值量成正比(B)与单位时间内所形成的价值量成反比(C)与单位商品的价值量成正比(D)与单位商品的价值量成反比[参考答案:D]  分值:2得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月23日 22点31分 政治经济学
  • 用真值表判断公式“((pq) (qr)) (pr)”的类型: 离散数学(上)
  • 4个月婴儿,昨日种了百白破混合疫苗,今日有轻度发热,稍哭吵不安,查:体温382°C(肛表),右上臂外側注射部位有轻微红肿。咽不充血,心肺无异常发现,下列哪项处理最恰当() 学前儿童保育学
  • (单选题) A cat tries to appear big when it is .( ) A、facing a dangerB、 unhappyC、 ready to huntD、 hungry大学英语2